När vi använder begreppet Facility Management (FM) menar vi:
– Att få fastigheter, byggnader, lokaler, utrustning och tjänster att maximalt stödja kärnverksamheten med hjälp av disciplinerna arkitektur, ekonomi, ingenjörs- och beteendevetenskap.
– Att samordna samtliga stödfunktioner för ökad total effektivitet.
– Att koordinera den fysiska arbetsplatsen med människans arbete och organisationens produktiva processer.
Några läsvärda definitioner om Facility Management:
“Facility management is a profession that encompasses multiple disciplines to ensure functionality of the built environment by integrating people, place, process and technology” – IFMA.
”The practice or coordinating the physical workplace with the people and work of the organization; integrates the principles of business administration, architecture, and the behavioral and engineering sciences.”.
”Facility management is responsible for coordinating all efforts related to planning, designing, and managing buildings and their systems, equipment, and furniture to enhance the organizations ability to compete successfully in a rapidly changing world.” – Franklin Becker.
In business, facility management (or facilities management) is the management of buildings and services. The services are sometimes considered to be divided into ”hard services” and ”soft services.” Hard services includes such things as ensuring that a building’s air conditioning is operating efficiently, reliably, safely and legally. Soft services includes such things as ensuring that the building is cleaned properly and regularly or monitoring the performance of contractors (e.g. builders, electricians). – Wikipedia.
Facility Management (FM) ist eine Managementdisziplin, welche die notwendigen Unterstützungs- (Sekundär-) Prozesse des Kerngeschäfts eines Unternehmens vereint. Dabei stehen Arbeitsplatzgestaltung, Werteerhalt und Kapitalrentabilität im Fokus des Facility Managers. Die Richtlinie GEFMA 100-1 definiert den Begriff des FM nach dem Stand von Wissenschaft und Forschung sowie dem Verständnis der mitwirkenden Marktteilnehmer – GEFMA.